Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Slavery has been a dark side of human existence since the beginning of time… it is still ongoing on so many levels across the world...

“Democracy” itself was based on slavery… without slavery, ancient Greeks such as Athenians could not practice democracy which allowed about 20% of the people (free men born in that city-state) to participate…

As for America, the first documented slave is considered to be a black man named John Punch...

Curiously, there are claims that John Punch is an ancestor of both the first African American winner of Noble Peace Prize, Ralph Bunche, as well as the first African American president, Barack Hussein Obama II (who was also awarded the Noble Peace Prize during his first year in office)...

The first legal slave in America is considered to be a black man named John Casor, who was owned by a wealthy black landowner Anthony Johnson... Johnson went to court to legally enslave Casor... the slave owner Anthony Johnson himself arrived in the New World as indentured servant via having been sold to Arab Muslim slave traders in the first instance... there are claims that slave owner Anthony Johnson is viewed as "the black patriarch" to some capacity for African American communities...

On this day -- May 30, 1854 -- the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by the U.S. Congress permitting inhabitants of the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether or not to allow slavery within their borders...

According to Heuman and Burnard’s “The Routledge History of Slavery” (2011), between 10th-13th centuries the majority of slaves in West Asia (“Middle East”) were Circassians, Central Asians, and Africans until early 20th century when slaves also constituted of Iranians, West Indians, Indonesians, and Chinese. In 17th century, based on earlier scholarly works, Berber intellectual Ahmad Baba wrote that Muslims should never be enslaved and it is illegal for Muslims to sell slaves to non-Muslims…

Ahmad Baba claimed “…the reason for slavery is non-belief [in Islam] and the Sudanese non-believers are like other kafir whether they are Christians, Jews, Persians, Berbers, or any others who stick to non-belief and do not embrace Islam…. This means there is no difference between all the kafir in this respect. Whoever is captured in a condition of non-belief, it is legal to own him, whosoever he may be, but not if he was converted to Islam voluntarily…”

Interesting to note that in 17th c. Islam was considered foreign to Iranians and not part of their native identity and culture… hence, Iranians could be enslaved by Muslims…

Although Heuman & Burnard (2011) stated that the Iranian slaves came from Makran coast... one may wonder if it was not just restricted to that area and whether given Ahmad Baba's remarks about Iranian enslavement, the Safavid rulers of 17th c. Iran began brutal conversions to Shiite Islam to reduce Iranian slavery by Muslims while keeping them away from religious sympathies with Sunni Muslim Ottoman Empire?  Just a thought...

[pic Britannica: for educational purposes only]

Friday, May 26, 2017

In his travelogue entitled “Naïve and Abroad: Spain” (2008), Marcus Wilder wrote:

Bullfighting is what remains of Mithraism in Spain… In Mithraism, son god sacrifices father god (young man vs the bull)…

Mithra is the Indo-Iranian sun god that was adopted by the Romans when they encountered Iranians (Persians)…

Edward Stanton also discussed the relationship between bullfighting and Mithraism in his book “The Tragic Myth: Lorca and Cante Jondo” (1978)… Stanton noted that Oriental influences are seen in cante jondo as some experts view a common cultural heritage between cante jondo and bullfighting…

Some speculate the word “flamenco” is unique to Romani (gypsy) language meaning fire or passion… that is interesting given origins of Romani and India as well as the veneration of fire among Indo-Iranian (Aryans) branch of Indo-Europeans…

[pic aireflamenco: for educational purposes only]

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

As a side note by translators of 17th c. French writer Marie de Gournay’s works in “Apology for the Woman Writing and Other Works” (2002), it is noted that in 16th and 17th century Europe, “ancient Persia was sometimes treated…as a source for political lessons”…

[pic The National Library of Israel: The banquet of Persian queen Vashti from the Esther Scroll of Ferrera, Italy (1617)… it should be noted that Esther’s story is viewed as a Hellenistic romance based on infatuation with the glamorous and mighty Persian court…for educational purposes only]

Sunday, May 21, 2017

In a December 1970 article entitled “Without a Numbered Bank Account” published by SKIING magazine, the readers are told the Shah of Iran proves to be “an egalitarian monarch…by waiting patiently in the lift lines” at the St. Moritz resort despite other elite guests such as “the young Aga Khan, who is not so patient and gets up mountains by personal helicopter”…

Of course, in today’s textbooks, the late Shah of Iran is either not mentioned at all (see Index of WESTERN CIVILIZATION (2016) by Cengage Learning) or misidentified as his father and mischaracterized as follows:

In the 1960s and 1970s, “Iranians labored with legacies of foreign intervention and corrupt rule at the hands of the shah, Reza Pahlavi, a Western-friendly leader installed during a 1953 military coup supported by Britain and the United States” (see p. 790, WESTERN CIVILIZATION (2017) by W.W. Norton)…

The history professors hired by W.W. Norton to write this college textbook obtained their doctorate degrees in history at University of California-Berkeley and Harvard University, respectively.  Putting aside discussions about the Shah and alleged corruption leading to claimed mass misery, is it possible that Berkeley and Harvard miseducate their doctorate students by NOT teaching them the basics -- that the last shah of Iran was named Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, not Reza Pahlavi… and that since he ascended the throne in 1941, he could not have been “installed” in 1953?…

Even questionable Wikipedia noted that Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was “the Shah of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow by the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979”…

[pic pinterest: Iran’s Minister of Education Dr. Farrokhroo Parsa was executed in 1980 by the Islamo-Marxists rebels and usurpers … in her last words, Dr. Parsa wrote: "I am a doctor, so I have no fear of death. Death is only a moment and no more. I am prepared to receive death with open arms rather than live in shame by being forced to be veiled. I am not going to bow to those who expect me to express regret for fifty years of my efforts for equality between men and women. I am not prepared to wear the chador and step back in history" (source D. Kadivar in “Iranian” online publication 8-Mar-2011)… NOTE the Marxists or Progressives in the West are now normalizing the hijab for women in the West… history repeats itself when history is not taught…for educational purposes only]